Today we can announce that wonnd is officially launching its operations in São Paulo, its first base in LATAM. For over a year we’ve been working together with Eduardo Sincofsky on various projects in Latin America. wonnd LATAM is the result of this joint experience, as well as of many conversations and envisioning numerous future projects.
Welcome to wonnd, Eduardo! We’re really pleased to expand our team with a talent like Eduardo, who will be our strategic partner in LATAM. We’re not only united by a common past, and a long friendship, but we also share the same vision for the future where we see many opportunities for developing projects together in the spheres of strategy and innovation.
We’ve arrived at this point after some intense months working together to shape workshops, designing novel approaches to resolve business problems, defining brand strategies, and analyzing cultures and trends in the region. During this time we’ve also been talking to clients in Chile, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, the USA, Brazil and Argentina. We want to thank all of them for their feedback and confidence in this new way of working that wonnd is proposing.
This news fulls us with joy, flooding us with colour, passion and power. Diversity and mixing are part of our philosophy, and our presence in LATAM brings us new perspectives, widens our horizons and enriches our work.
LATAM has a lot to offer wonnd!
With this first step, we are starting to give shape to our strategic objective of expanding our presence into other markets. Step by step, we’re reaching our goal, although there is still a lot to do. As we always say: not everything is done.